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Monthly Roundup: July 2018

July has come and gone! It was a busy and slow month for me, reading-wise. I only read 5 books!

  1. Outrun the Wind - Elizabeth Tammi (3.5 stars)
  2. The Princess in Black - Shannon Hale and Dean Hale (3.5 stars)
  3. Lifelike - Jay Kristoff (4.5 stars)
  4. Circe - Madeline Miller (4.5 stars)
  5. You Are A Badass - Jen Sincero (4 stars)

The last three books of the month were really good. I buddy read Lifelike and Circe with a friend and they were great to read along with someone else! Badass was a really good boost and motivator and just what I needed to read right now!

I started a lot of books in July, but haven't finished them yet, or finished them in the last couple days (so they don't count for July).

On my August TBR... So many books! Seriously! I've got some great ones on hold at the library, plus a few interesting ARCs to read. Looking forward most to Foundaryside by Robert Jackson Bennett. A seriously amazing author (Brandon Sanderson blurbed him soooooooo you know it's good).

What did you read this month? What's on your list for August?


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