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Monthly Roundup - January 2017

In January I read 6 books, which is keeping with the pace I need in order to read 80 books this year.

1) The Reader - Traci Chee (3 stars)
2) Wayfarer - Alexandra Bracken (3.5 stars)
3) Windwitch - Susan Dennard (3.5 stars)
4) The Underground Railroad - Colson Whitehead (3 stars)
5) Behind the Throne - K. B. Wagers (5 stars)
6) Queen of Shadows - Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)

I say that's a pretty good start to 2017! I recently started a new job, so posts have slowed while I rediscover the work/life balance, but overall I really enjoyed the books I read this month and would recommend them all (especially Behind the Throne!!! Gahh!!! Review coming soon!).

My TBR pile for February is a mile long, but I'm especially excited for A Conjuring of Light, the conclusion to the Shades of Magic series by V. E. Schwab. I've also got the February Book Club pick, Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, and I'll finally finish up Empire of Storms, the latest book in Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass series (and then have to wait for Book 6, waaahh!!)

What books did you read in January? What is on your list for February? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I seriously can't understand how you read so quickly! I'm the slowest reader ever... but I just want to contribute my January reads :) I read fangirl which was cute and fun, a wrinkle in time-- which i somehow missed reading in jr high but loved it and I'm in the middle of Outlander right now and I'm loving it!

    1. I've always been a fast reader! Plus I don't work full-time, so that helps! Those are all great books!


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